Procedures Performed
- Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty Case
Many people are troubled by the way their nose appears in profile. This woman was particularly distraught by what she felt to be an over-projected nose accompanied by an under projected chin. While one or the other might not be immediately noticeable, together these two characteristics created an obvious facial imbalance, visible in her pre-operative photo. While researching rhinoplasty surgeons in Toronto, she felt confident that Dr. Rival’s rhinoplasty experience and skill could produce results she desired. During her consultation, this woman made clear that she, like most rhinoplasty patients, wanted a more conservative approach that would retain as much as possible of her natural look.
Dr. Rival concluded that rhinoplasty, along with a chin implant (mentoplasty), would satisfy this woman’s goals. It is common for Toronto rhinoplasty surgeons to recommend both procedures to achieve a harmonious facial proportion, as the size of the chin may magnify or minimize the perceived size of the nose. In her procedure Dr. Rival focused on the dorsal hump of the nose, while at the same time correcting the shape of the tip in order to ensure that her nose would not appear overly long. Dr. Rival finds that nostril correction is often unnecessary because a better shape to the nose tip displays the nostrils to better advantage, but in this patient’s case he did slightly adjust the shape of her nostrils along with her bridge and nose tip.
In her post-operative photo you can see that this woman’s nose and chin are healing beautifully, and she now possesses the natural, balanced look she desired. Now that her dorsal hump is reduced, her nasal bridge appears natural and the reshaped nose tip and nostrils give her the length and shape that she desired. From the profile view, it is clear that her new chin implant has improved her facial balance, and altogether she is enjoying excellent results from her Toronto cosmetic surgery.