Procedures Performed
- Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty Case
This young woman had rhinoplasty in Toronto. She disliked the hump on the nasal bridge and felt her tip pointed downwards. She was particularly concerned about the appearance of her nose in profile view. She underwent an endonasal rhinoplasty (no external incisions). In this procedure the nasal tip cartilages are “delivered” to the outside and modified (see how we do the surgery section). In the after photos one can see that the dorsal hump has been reduced. The tip has been rotated upwards as requested without causing too much nostril show from the front. There is some mild refinement of the tip from the front view. The infratip lobule region ( area between the nostrils that hangs down) has also been reduced. There is now more focus on her eyes and less on her nose. One can see that when a hump is reduced this causes a dramatic change from the profile but also causes some softening of the nose from the frontal view which makes the eyes appear more prominent.