Procedures Performed
- Rhinoplasty
- Rhinoplasty Revision
Rhinoplasty Case
This young woman presented for septorhinoplasty. Her main concern was that the nose was not straight and was very asymmetric. She also had difficulty breathing. Her before photos reveal a very difficult nose that is extremely deviated and asymmetric . There is a large depression on the right side of the tip. The profile view shows that the nose is somewhat overprojected. The view from below shows severe nostril asymmetry. An external septorhinoplasty was performed to straighten the deviated septum and tip. A graft of cartilage taken from the nasal septum was used to fill in the depression on the right side of the nasal tip. The tip was also set back closer to the face and the bridge was reduced. After photos show marked improvement in the the deviation and symmetry of the nose. Nostril symmetry while not perfect is much better. The tip has been set back and this has improved her profile as well. As with all good rhinoplasty results the nose now blends in better with her face and her other attractive features can stand out more.
Gender: Female