Monthly Archives: June 2021
Celebrity Nose Jobs… Did You Know?
Posted on June 24, 2021 by Dr. Richard Rival
Celebrity nose jobs have always been common, but people are now more confident thanks to celebrities being more open about plastic surgery.
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Rhinoplasty Recovery During Summer Months
Posted on June 24, 2021 by Dr. Richard Rival
Rhinoplasty Recovery During Summer Months People are getting excited about a summer out of lockdown, and there has been a boom in rhinoplasty Toronto and Canada-wide as people search for ways to look their best once the pandemic is over. However, there are also those who are hesitating to get the rhinoplasty surgery they want, worried about undergoing rhinoplasty recovery stages during the summer months. As some of the best rhinoplasty surgeons out there, we’re here to answer all your questions about rhinoplasty recovery stages. Whether you just had rhinoplasty surgery, or are thinking about getting the procedure during the…
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