When it comes to making rhinoplasty measurements, we can do a lot better than using just a rule and markers. Advanced digital imaging (ADI) allows surgeons to take a more precise look at the minutiae of one’s facial structure, allowing for more desirable results. They can even generate possible outcomes for a rhinoplasty. This post will examine how ADI works for rhinoplasty and why patients should opt for it.
How Advanced Digital Imaging Works
Advanced Digital Imaging, in the context of plastic surgery, refers to a variety of software tools that rhinoplasty surgeons and other experts use to help patients visualize potential changes. You might have heard this software referred to before as a “virtual rhinoplasty.” Essentially, the software allows cosmetic surgeons to create a perfect 3D model of a patient’s nose, or even their entire face.
Since it’s a purely digital image, this “virtual” version of your nose can then be tweaked and changed as far as the software allows. You can probably see the benefits here pretty apparently. With a virtual rhinoplasty, you can enact significant changes on your digital avatar, essentially getting to “test drive” what you’d look like.
Why ADI Matters
Getting digital imaging for rhinoplasty in Toronto is a true game changer, and it’s not hard to see why. Both the surgeon and the patient, together, can examine how making certain alterations in the nose will actually look. For some people, imagining what their nose will look like after a rhinoplasty is done is difficult. We get used to our noses after all. Could you really visualize yourself what changes to the bridge, or tip, or size of your nose looks like in your head?
With ADI, you and your surgeon can, in real time, sit down and discuss what differences will look like, and if they’re feasible. This isn’t just the surgeon giving you a “take it or leave it” offer on a different nose either. You can go through a variety of changes and ask questions. It’s a collaboration, and lets you take a direct role in your own rhinoplasty that wasn’t previously possible.
This means that you’re much less likely to have a “real world” rhinoplasty that disappoints you, and leaves you looking for a revision rhinoplasty.
How does ADI for rhinoplasty work?
A virtual rhinoplasty consultation in Toronto is a pretty easy procedure. Essentially, you come into the office, and get your entire head scanned, which allows for the creation of a 3D “model”. This model is then uploaded to special software that your rhinoplasty expert has. Within the program, the rhinoplasty expert can work with you, changing different aspects of the model and getting your feedback. Any part of the nose is fair game – they can shrink or enlarge the bridge, tip, nostrils, you name it.
There are also versions of “virtual rhinoplasties” that you can find online that work with a simple 2D picture. You can think of these as a variety of photoshop, using some basic capabilities to shrink or grow certain parts of your face.
Also, just doing this process online means that you can’t get to talk to a rhinoplasty expert face to face. The best way to experience digital imaging rhinoplasty in Toronto is alongside an expert. Dr. Richard Rival is happy to take a consultation, and give you all the information you need. Contact us today!