Have you ever met someone and thought to yourself – “wow, you look just like your name.” It sounds a little crazy, but this is an occurrence with science to back it up.
This connection between face and name is known as the Dorian Gray effect, and it suggests that your first name can change the way you look.
Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem determined in eight studies that strangers could have a better than random chance of correctly identifying people’s names only by looking at their faces.
When random chance gave a 20-25% chance of success, test subjects could guess 40% of the time correctly, suggesting our genetics don’t singlehandedly determine our looks, but also social preconceptions and expectations that come with our name.
But how does this impact rhinoplasty patients? While the right plastic surgeon for you will look to your whole face to determine the correct type of rhinoplasty changes, perhaps keeping your name in the forefront can also result in more-suitable results?
Female Rhinoplasty to a Name
The exciting possibility that if your face determines what people think your name is and what they think of you, you could alter that perception through rhinoplasty or plastic surgery.
It’s possible that by changing your nose, you might adjust your appearance to better suit the name you have, or vice versa.
For example, studies show we associate the name Mary with attributes such as high standing morals. If your name is Mary and you’re reading this – do you think your face matches this? Or, if you’re more a “Mary, Mary, quite contrary,” would you consider facial plastic surgery to pivot further away from this association?
Typically, a traditional feminine nose has a softer bridge, and the tip is at an obtuse angle from the upper lip. Rhinoplasty procedures for a feminine appearance prioritize these features.
Male Rhinoplasty to a Name
Someone who has always gone by the name Bob or Bill might live up to the assumptions of being more joyful in their personality. In comparison, someone who considers themselves a Robert or a William may live with expectations (or expect themselves) to be a more formal individual.
While Bill or William is a more common name, there is also the other side of the coin. Studies have shown that less conventionally spelled names connoted less attractive individuals. For men, longer names connoted success and wealth. Simultaneously, studies show that longer male names also signalled males who were less fun or even less masculine.
Do you feel this may apply to you? If so, a male rhinoplasty could help create a more masculine profile. Typically, a male nose is straight, with a prominent bridge and a 90-degree angle from the nasal tip to the upper lip. When performing a male rhinoplasty, a surgeon will aim to create a sharper-looking nose than the “feminine” approach typically used and noted above.
Rhinoplasty Aftercare
No matter what your name means to you, taking care of yourself during the rhinoplasty recovery process is essential to see the right results and perhaps reduce the recovery time.
The first 24 hours or days after surgery is often the most taxing. Within the first day, you may experience bruising, puffiness, and swelling around your nose, which is normal.
Eating right, avoiding smoking or vaping products can all help aid in recovery time. The type of rhinoplasty will also impact the healing process. For example, a closed rhinoplasty versus an open rhinoplasty does tend to have a faster recovery period. However, for both approaches, the initial healing process is typically 1-2 weeks.
Find the Right Rhinoplasty Surgeon Today
As Shakespeare wrote, “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” which means a nose to anyone’s name should look natural and suit the person from the outside to the inside.
While the Dorian Gray effect is a fun study to associate names to a face, putting your trust in a top facial plastic surgeon will be more impactful at crafting a beautiful, natural nose.
Dr. Rival is a trusted Otolaryngologist Head and Neck Surgeon, with hundreds of patients seeing beautiful and natural results. Contact us today to learn more about a rhinoplasty surgery that matches you and perhaps your name, too.