Not every broken nose requires surgery. While you should visit a doctor for any break or serious damage to your nose, many broken noses do not need a trip to the surgeon for a medical or cosmetic fix.
So, how do you know whether or not you need to go under the knife?
Although you may not need to go through surgery, you can still benefit from booking a consultation with a rhinoplasty surgeon. They can explain your options and their results, so you can make a more informed decision about whether or not to pursue surgery to straighten a broken nose.
Why Talk to a Facial Plastic Surgeon?
A consultation has no obligation, so you do not have to sign up for rhinoplasty if you go. However, since the nose is such an important focal part of your face, it’s definitely worth considering a visit.
Also, after a serious break, your nose might heal, but your ability to breathe the way you used to could be compromised. Seeing whether a functional rhinoplasty is needed could help ensure you don’t eventually experience difficulty breathing.
Or, if your nose has healed and you are noticing your ability to breathe has changed, a consultation can help determine the solution to revert this new breathing condition.
When You May Require Surgery to Straighten a Broken Nose
Rhinoplasty is often more than a cosmetic decision. A broken nose can cause medical problems that should be addressed. A severe break can have a long term impact on your health and quality of life.
The severity of the break is one of the most important considerations. The more severe, the greater the likelihood of needing surgical intervention. There is a greater risk of significant structural damage to the sinuses.
With less severe injuries, your doctor may have more confidence in the nose’s ability to heal without surgery.
With any injury, it’s best to seek out treatment as soon as possible.
For a broken nose, the likelihood of requiring surgery increases if you wait too long. When you visit the doctor, depending on the severity of the break, they may attempt to reset the nose. Performed successfully and early enough, this can help the nose heal straight and without complication.
If you wait too long, however, the nose will begin healing without being properly set. This can mean permanent bumps, bends or blockages. This usually becomes a problem after being left untreated for 2 or more weeks.
Although a rhinoplasty surgeon can generally straighten a broken nose that was left untreated, it is more difficult and the surgery results can be more limiting. As such the results may not be as desirable versus a patient who went for consultation earlier.
Fix Breathing Problems
If the break has caused a blockage or has otherwise impaired the sinuses, it can make breathing difficult. This may be especially apparent at night, causing restless sleep and stress.
Any breathing problems will likely require rhinoplasty surgery.
Do I Need Rhinoplasty for a Broken Nose?
Plain and simple, it depends.
Pain, breathing or sinus issues are the most common reasons you would truly need to straighten the nose.
However, cosmetic concerns are a valid reason. Especially if you really liked your nose before the break. Your “new” nose caused by the break may not be what you want to see when looking in a mirror. This can cause stress and self-esteem issues and impact your mental health. Having confidence and comfort in your own skin can have just as much of an impact on your quality of life.
If you are unsure of whether not to pursue rhinoplasty, consult with a plastic surgeon. They’ll help you understand your options, the risks, and the potential outcomes so you can decide if rhinoplasty is right for you.
Rhinoplasty for a Broken Nose
If you do decide to get rhinoplasty to straighten a broken nose, the process can be often simple. This is especially true if there is only superficial damage, versus damage to the nasal passages and your breathing.
Rhinoplasty is typically an outpatient procedure, although in some cases you may need to stay home for a week to recover from swelling and bruising.
Book your broken nose rhinoplasty consultation in Toronto.