If you’re getting a nose job in Toronto, you should be excited about the process and we’re here to ease your mind about the recovery process. This is a wonderful time to enjoy a whole new profile to your face and redefine your appearance.
Yet, like with any cosmetic procedure, there is a lot of understandable nerves going into a rhinoplasty surgery. One of the parts that most people worry about is the recovery after rhinoplasty and septoplasty surgery. Because of this, there have been plenty of myths about the recovery process after getting your septoplasty and rhinoplasty surgery. In this blog, we’ll list some of the most common myths and see if there is anything to them!
Top Myths About Recovery After Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty
#1 I Will Have to Wait A Long Time Before Going Home
This one is not true. After getting your rhinoplasty surgery, you’re generally good to go home two to three hours after the procedure is done. Depending on the procedure you receive, you may need to return after about a week to get stitches, splints, and gauze removed.
#2 My Recovery Will be Extremely Painful
Barring the most extreme cases, this myth is absolutely untrue. Most recovering rhinoplasty patients would, at best, describe the sensation afterward as “uncomfortable” or “weird” rather than truly painful. A better word would be “congested,” as your nose may feel blocked up for a bit, especially while you still have the gauze and splints that we mentioned inside your nose. You may also feel a bit tired, but that’s perfectly normal.
It’s much more common for some sensation to be lost in the nose during recovery after rhinoplasty and septoplasty. After a rhinoplasty procedure, this is perfectly normal to experience and should fade during your recovery period.
#3 I’ll Look Weird During Recovery
Well, this one depends on what you consider to be “weird.” Swelling and bruising are expected for the first week or two of recovery after rhinoplasty and septoplasty. However, it shouldn’t be noticeable after those first couple of weeks. Your cosmetic surgeon will also give you tips on reducing the swelling faster.
Beyond swelling, many patients worry about scarring. If you have a closed rhinoplasty, you don’t need to worry about this at all. All the incisions will be done on the inside of the nose and won’t be visible. Even an open rhinoplasty, with incisions on the outside of the nose, should heal with minimum scarring if done by a skilled cosmetic surgeon.
#4 I Won’t Be Able to Smell
This one is somewhat true, if only for a little bit. Some patients experience a temporary muting of their senses of taste and smell. Yet, after about a month, they should return to normal. Total loss of a sense of smell in the later rhinoplasty recovery stages is nearly unheard of. Rhinoplasties don’t generally affect things like your olfactory receptors or taste buds.
#5 I’ll Be Bedridden and Housebound
The recovery after rhinoplasty and septoplasty is a fairly speedy process. You can still move around perfectly well after a rhinoplasty – within a week, you’ll be back to normal, barring the minor swelling we mentioned.
It’s important to rest up during the week after your rhinoplasty. Getting plenty of time to relax will help the swelling go down faster after your rhinoplasty surgery. Another way to speed your recovery is to take care of your diet. Avoiding foods that are too spicy or too high in sodium will help the swelling go down and make you feel better faster.
As you can see, recovery after rhinoplasty and septoplasty isn’t as intimidating as some would make it out to be. You can find more information about your rhinoplasty recovery stages here!