We often take our noses for granted when it comes to everyday function and looks. It lets us smell and taste and gives our face its symmetry. Severe nose damage, such as a broken nose, can have serious consequences and oftentimes will require septoplasty or rhinoplasty surgery. Here’s advice on how to handle long- and short-term damage to your nose and whether to consider a nose job or not.
What causes broken noses?
Our nose is mainly made up of cartilage instead of bone. This means our noses tend to be more flexible, and can take a good bit of damage. However, if you touch the bridge of your nose, you can feel the nasal bone. When this bone is fractured or split, a broken nose results.
Broken noses tend to be caused by some sort of blunt force trauma to the front of the face. This could be from a severe blow to the face, or a fall or impact. It should be noted that such an impact could have severe consequences beyond a broken nose, such as neck damage or internal bleeding. Always get to a doctor after such an injury.
Signs of a broken nose
The most distinctive sign of a broken nose is the crooked and swollen appearance of the nose. However, sometimes the break isn’t so obvious. Constant pain, swelling, and tenderness are all signs of a broken nose. Persistent bleeding is also a good sign it’s time to start looking for the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Toronto. Difficulty breathing, a crooked septum, and blocked nasal passages are all connected to having a broken nose.
What to do if your nose is broken
The best way to deal with broken noses is, of course, to avoid a break in the first place, and not deal with the risks and complications that come with a nose job surgery. Take the proper safety precautions, especially when in a car or riding a bike. Seat belts, helmets, and sports safety equipment are essential.
If you think your nose has been broken, the first thing is to not panic; then assess the damage. Is it just your nose, or is there more serious damage that requires a call to emergency services? If your nose won’t stop bleeding, is leaking a clear substance, or if you can’t breathe, you may need to see an emergency doctor right away.
It’s a good idea to see a doctor as soon as you can, regardless if you can breathe. Seeing a doctor after your nose is broken will help to check that everything is alright internally, and to help arrange a rhinoplasty in Toronto and connect you with a board certified surgeon. In the immediate time after your nose is broken, you should first lean your head forwards and wait for the bleeding to stop. After the bleeding has stopped, tilt your head back and apply cold compresses. You’ll likely want the painkiller of your choice as well.
You can then visit a doctor who can give a more accurate prognosis and treatment. It’s imperative you don’t try to fix the broken nose on your own. Many people who break their noses think they can tough it out and forcibly straighten their own noses. This is never a good idea.
Fixing a broken nose
While your doctor will provide immediate treatment, many find they have permanent effects after they’ve broken their nose. This includes not only crooked noses and deviated septums, but chronic difficulty with breathing.
Thankfully, if you’ve suffered a broken nose, a rhinoplasty procedure can help undo this permanent damage. Rhinoplasties for broken noses are common. Not only can they realign the nose to restore its previous appearance, but a septoplasty procedure can also help restore proper breathing. A board-certified plastic surgeon can turn back the clock on a broken nose.
Get the best rhinoplasty in Toronto
Suffering from the long-term effects of a broken nose? Or just have questions about the procedure for nose related cosmetic procedures? From questions about cosmetic choices, what food to avoid after rhinoplasty, or rhinoplasty shopping lists. Dr. Rival offers Toronto and Newmarket clinics that have the expertise to get you the best experience possible. Don’t hesitate to contact us today!