Rhinoplasty Cases
Case 98
This young woman disliked her nose especially the profile. She felt it was too long and disliked the convex shape and long nostrils. She underwent a rhinoplasty in Toronto by Dr Rival. One can see that the bridge has been reduced and the tip lifted and set back. As a result the nostrils are also not as long from the side. The profile is now much softer with a nice supra tip break making the tip stand out nicely from the bridge.
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Case 99
This young woman disliked her nose particularly her profile. She was found to have a dorsal hump on the bridge, a somewhat wide tip that was slightly overprojected. It was also noted that her nose deviated to the left. She underwent a closed rhinoplasty to reduce the bridge, refine the tip and straighten the nose. Results of closed rhinoplasty in Toronto are shown at 10 months after surgery. Prospective patients can usually visualize what their nose will look like from the side but have trouble imagining what the change will be from the front. In general we hope that after…
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Case 30
Many people have complaints about the shape and structure of their nose, feeling that it causes a facial imbalance and directs attention away from their eyes. This woman was bothered by the large, bulbous shape of her nose tip, as it lacked definition and seemed almost independent from her other facial features. When she met with Dr. Rival, she explained that her nose felt too wide on her narrow face and she desired a more natural-looking balance. In some cases where the patient has too little nasal tissue, a tip rhinoplasty can be performed using “nonsurgical” cosmetic surgery in Toronto.…
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Case 6
This Toronto patients nose came too far out from the face or was overprojected. Conservative rhinoplasty was performed to set the tip back and maintain a strong male bridge. Rhinoplasty surgeons would call this nose a “tension nose.” The nose is pushed forward from the face by the overlong septum and nasal spine ( a small piece of bone at the base of the nose). By reducing these structures the nose fall back closer to the face and is therefore deprojected. One can also appreciate a bulge or ridge in the before picture in the right nostril. This represents the…
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Case 76
This young woman had rhinoplasty in Toronto. She felt her nose was too prominent on her face. She felt the tip was too wide and disliked the hump and convex contour of her profile. She was found to have quite thick skin. Results are shown after an external approach ( open approach) septorhinoplasty at about 1 year. One can see a softer more feminine profile. The tip is more defined and narrower. This is somewhat limited by her thick skin. The view from below shows a narrower more triangular tip with a well healed external approach rhinoplasty incision.
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Case 60
This young woman had rhinoplasty in Toronto. She disliked the hump on the nasal bridge and felt her tip pointed downwards. She was particularly concerned about the appearance of her nose in profile view. She underwent an endonasal rhinoplasty (no external incisions). In this procedure the nasal tip cartilages are “delivered” to the outside and modified (see how we do the surgery section). In the after photos one can see that the dorsal hump has been reduced. The tip has been rotated upwards as requested without causing too much nostril show from the front. There is some mild refinement of…
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Case 77
This young man felt his nose was off center and he also disliked his profile. He was found to have deviation of his nose from the front view with a somewhat wide nasal tip. His profile showed a convex shape with drooping of the nasal tip. He was also found to have wide nostrils or a wide alar base. He was noted to have thick nasal skin. His nose job surgery in Toronto included reduction of the nasal bridge with lifting and narrowing of the nasal tip. His nose was also straightened and his deviated septum was repaired which improved…
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Case 101
This young woman underwent a rhinoplasty in Toronto. Her nose was mostly over projected in the tip and bridge. Closed rhinoplasty surgery was done to set back the tip and reduce the bridge. The slight droop was also corrected. The nose now is much less dominant on her face and her other attractive features stand out more.
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