Rhinoplasty Cases
Case 98
This young woman disliked her nose especially the profile. She felt it was too long and disliked the convex shape and long nostrils. She underwent a rhinoplasty in Toronto by Dr Rival. One can see that the bridge has been reduced and the tip lifted and set back. As a result the nostrils are also not as long from the side. The profile is now much softer with a nice supra tip break making the tip stand out nicely from the bridge.
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Case 99
This young woman disliked her nose particularly her profile. She was found to have a dorsal hump on the bridge, a somewhat wide tip that was slightly overprojected. It was also noted that her nose deviated to the left. She underwent a closed rhinoplasty to reduce the bridge, refine the tip and straighten the nose. Results of closed rhinoplasty in Toronto are shown at 10 months after surgery. Prospective patients can usually visualize what their nose will look like from the side but have trouble imagining what the change will be from the front. In general we hope that after…
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Case 13
This young Toronto woman desired a subtle change in her nose. She disliked the bump and felt it was overprojected. Rhinoplasty was performed through an internal(endonasal) approach to reduce the bump and set the tip back maintaining the strong bridge that she desired. Gender: Female
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Case 47
This Toronto area woman desired a change in the appearance of her nose. She felt that her nose was too prominent for her face. She was particularly troubled by her profile which showed a large dorsal hump and a mildly overprojected tip. A closed septorhinoplasty surgery was performed to reduce the hump and set back the tip slightly. The tip was also narrowed in a conservative fashion. Early results are shown here, there is still some swelling in the tip and along the sides of the nose and in the lower part of the bridge. Preoperative computer imaging and discussion…
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Case 66
This young man was unhappy with the bulbous appearance and disproportionately large size of his nose in comparison to the rest of his face. The tip of his nose appeared especially droopy and bulbous from the front. Adding to his problems, his nose was deviated, causing severe breathing problems that added physical discomfort to his self-consciousness about his appearance. To find out more about how cosmetic surgery could correct these problems he planned a consultation with Dr. Rival, rhinoplasty surgeon in Toronto. After discussing a number of options they decided together on an open-approach septorhinoplasty. This procedure is commonly used…
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Case 14
This Toronto area young man felt his nose was overprojected and was markedly asymmetric. From the view from below one can see the significant difference between the two nostrils. External approach rhinoplasty was required to improve the asymmetry. By reshaping the tip cartilages and with asymmetric nostril (alar base) reduction symmetry is much improved. In male rhinoplasty Dr Rival feels it is important to maintain a strong male profile. Notice nice healing of the external approach incision. Gender: Male
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Case 49
Many people are troubled by the way their nose appears in profile. This woman was particularly distraught by what she felt to be an over-projected nose accompanied by an under projected chin. While one or the other might not be immediately noticeable, together these two characteristics created an obvious facial imbalance, visible in her pre-operative photo. While researching rhinoplasty surgeons in Toronto, she felt confident that Dr. Rival’s rhinoplasty experience and skill could produce results she desired. During her consultation, this woman made clear that she, like most rhinoplasty patients, wanted a more conservative approach that would retain as much…
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Case 67
This young woman had rhinoplasty in Toronto. Before surgery she was concerned about the bump on the bridge of the nose and that the nose was too droopy. She was found to have a prominent nose with a dorsal hump and the tip definitely pointed downwards with a lot of excess in the infratip lobule region ( hanging piece in between the nostrils). The tip was also noted to be a bit bulbous although not out of balance with her prominent eyes. A closed rhinoplasty was performed to reduce the hump, rotate the tip and reduce the hanging infratip lobule.…
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Case 90
This young woman did not like the look of her nose. She felt the tip was too long and droopy and bulbous. She disliked her profile especially. She was found to have cartilages in the tip that were positioned in such a way that they are directed towards the middle. Surgeons call this cephalically oriented lower lateral cartilages or Paranthesis deformity. This often creates a prominent tip and droopy nose with poor airflow. A celebrity who I feel has this type of nose is Owen Wilson. Generally to correct this your rhinoplasty surgeon will change the position of the cartilages…
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